Call for paper

The conference welcomes papers in French and English. Proposals for papers may come from

  • either research (in didactics, scientific communication, language sciences, social sciences, human sciences, education, etc.) provided that the subject explored falls within the scope of the conference;
  • or feedback from experience (in the classroom, in mediation / dissemination) provided that this is supported by a reflective approach that goes beyond a simple report.

In both cases, proposals are limited to 12,000 characters (including spaces) excluding bibliography. The names of the authors, their institutional affiliation, a summary limited to 1000 characters and a maximum of five key words will be requested during the submission procedure but will not appear on the proposal itself (they are therefore not included in the 12,000 characters).

All proposals must be written in this style sheet. Submissions can be made directly on this site via the "My submissions" entry in the left-hand menu. The corresponding files will be named after the short title of the paper, with no indication of the authors' names.

Each proposal will be assessed anonymously by two members of the scientific committee, who will then decide whether or not to accept it and may request modifications for this purpose. One of the members of the Scientific Committee will oversee the revision process to arrive at the final version.

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